The Cheepers & Blinky Show
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Hello, my name is Cheepers McNibbles. I am a four-year-old, tangerine face lovebird. I live in a two bedroom, two cage house in Oakland, California, with my mom, Dollface; my dad, Chubs & my brother, Blinky. My hobbies include: pushing remotes, bottlecaps, teacups & other objects off of furniture; playing with and attacking windup toys; flying and landing on heads, & building web pages. Click on the Photo Pages or either of these graphics to learn more about me and my family and to see more pix. It might take a while to download, but it is worth the wait. (You might want to grab a sprig of millet to snack on for a while.) After you're done, be sure to sign my guestbook & tell me what you think; just click on the Guestbook Page link!

Where it all happens . . .
The webmistress hard at work.

My brother, Blinky
Blinky is an Australian budgie of indeterminent age. Mom & Dad found him on the street, so we're not related by blood. (He's adopted. Shh! But he's still my brother.) We're what you might call a multi-ethnic family, which you find a lot of here in the East Bay. Blinky likes to talk a lot, which is good, I suppose. He's been outside with the wild birds, which, though I find it hard to imagine, makes for some pretty good stories. Sometimes I can't really understand what he's saying because his Austrailian accent is so thick, but I like to listen just the same. Before he came along, I used to get pretty bored while my parents were at work. They would leave the radio on for me. Don't get me wrong; NPR is pretty informative, but invariably I'd find myself taking a nap on top of my cozy.